Rated 4.9/5
Est. 2009
From £40
Complaints Policy

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Rug Cleaner Scotland take great pride in the service we offer to our customers and always seek to deliver the highest standards of customer care. Any complaint that we receive is taken very seriously and is dealt with professionally and courteously in accordance with our internal complaints procedure. Our internal complaints procedure is designed to resolve our clients’ concerns promptly and efficiently.

Please email at complaints@rugcleanerscotland.co.uk.

Once an assessment and full investigation of your concerns has been made, we will provide you with a written response to confirm our decision. We will endeavour to do this within 4 weeks of receipt. However, if we have been unable to complete our investigation within 4 weeks of receipt, we will then write and provide you with an update.

Our intended maximum response period for our final written response is 8 weeks from receipt and we will provide you with a further update at that time. If we believe that you have suffered financial loss caused by our handling of your affairs, we may, at our discretion, offer you financial redress or some other means of restitution.

If we do not believe that we are to blame for the circumstances specified in your complaint or if we do not consider that you suffered financial loss as a result of our actions, we will confirm that to you in our response. Clearly, we would always want to resolve concerns you raise with us internally. However, should you remain dissatisfied following our final written response, or 8 weeks have elapsed since you raised your complaint with us and you are not happy with the progress made, you can refer the matter to the Legal Ombudsman.

If you wish to refer your complaint to the Legal Ombudsman this must be done within six months of our final response to your complaint. If you would like more information about the Legal Ombudsman their contact details are as follows:

Call 0800 334 5595 between 9:30am and 4:30pm. Call are recorded and may be used for training and monitoring purposes.
Website: https://www.rugcleanerscotland.co.uk/
Email: info@rugcleanerscotland.co.uk

Following our Complaint Handling Procedure does not affect your right to take legal action.

Attention To Detail

We take the time to understand your specific concerns and requirements, tailoring our cleaning approach accordingly.

Comprehensive Cleaning

Our rug cleaning process is thorough and comprehensive, ensuring that every aspect of your rugs is cleaned and restored to their optimal condition.

Superior Expertise

With years of experience in the industry, our team of professionals is highly skilled in handling various types of rugs and addressing specific cleaning concerns.